Bootstrap a Talos Linux cluster for Cozystack using Talm

Bootstrap a Talos Linux cluster for Cozystack using Talm

Talm is a Helm-like utility for declarative configuration management of Talos Linux.

It was created by Ænix to allow more declarative and custom configurations for cluster management.

Talm comes with pre-built presets for Cozystack.

Initialize the new project:

mkdir -p cluster1
cd cluster1
talm init --preset cozystack

The structure of the project mostly mirrors an ordinary Helm chart:

  • charts - a directory that includes a common library chart with functions used for querying information from Talos Linux.
  • Chart.yaml - a file containing the common information about your project; the name of the chart is used as the name for the newly created cluster.
  • templates - a directory used to describe templates for the configuration generation.
  • secrets.yaml - a file containing secrets for your cluster.
  • values.yaml - a common values file used to provide parameters for the templating.
  • nodes - an optional directory used to describe and store generated configuration for nodes.

You’re free to edit the files: Chart.yaml, values.yaml, and templates/* to meet your environment requirements.

Be aware that your nodes are booted Talos Linux image and awaiting in maintenance mode

Now, create a nodes directory and collect the information from your node into a specific file:

talm template -e -n -t templates/controlplane.yaml -i > nodes/srv1.yaml

Where is the IP address of your node.

Check the generated file, and if everything is okay, apply it:

talm apply -f nodes/srv1.yaml -i

In future operations, you can also use the following options:

  • --dry-run - dry run mode will show a diff with the existing configuration.
  • -m try - try mode will rollback the configuration in 1 minute.
talm bootstrap -f nodes/srv1.yaml

To access the cluster, generate an admin kubeconfig:

talm kubeconfig kubeconfig -f nodes/srv1.yaml

Export your KUBECONFIG variable:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig

Check connection:

kubectl get ns

example output:

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   7m56s
kube-node-lease   Active   7m56s
kube-public       Active   7m56s
kube-system       Active   7m56s

Now follow Get Started guide starting from the Install Cozystack section, to continue the installation.

Last modified 2024-12-27: refactor get-started (17a2313)