Creating users and add roles for them

How to create users and add roles for them

Creating users and add roles for them


When a tenant is created in Cozy (starting with version 1.6.0), roles, RoleBindings and keycloak groups will automatically be created in the Kubernetes cluster.

To create a user, refer to the following documentation: Keycloak Admin Console Documentation

Assigning a Role to a User for a Tenant

  1. Access Keycloak: To retrieve login credentials, check the secret by running the following command:
    kubectl get secret keycloak-credentials -n cozy-keycloak -o yaml
    Keycloak Address: The Keycloak address will match the value specified in the cozystack ConfigMap. For example, if your ConfigMap looks like this:
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: ConfigMap
     name: cozystack
     namespace: cozy-system
     bundle-name: "paas-full"
     ipv4-pod-cidr: ""
     ipv4-pod-gateway: ""
     ipv4-svc-cidr: ""
     ipv4-join-cidr: ""
    Then Keycloak will be available at:

Configure Roles for Each Tenant in Cozy:

Cluster wide

  • cozystack-cluster-admin

    • Allow all.
  • kubeapps-admin

    • Allow all in "" api group
    • Allow all for helmreleases in and

Tenant wide

  • tenant-abc-view

    • Read-only access to resources from our API.
    • Ability to view logs.
  • tenant-abc-use

    • All previous permissions
    • VNC access for virtual machines.
  • tenant-abc-admin

    • All previous permissions
    • Ability to delete pods, along with all permissions from tenant-abc-use.
    • Ability to create, update, and delete resources from our API (excluding tenant, monitoring, etcd, ingress).
  • tenant-abc-super-admin

    • All previous permissions
    • Ability to create, update, and delete tenant, monitoring, etcd, and ingress.